• EWP 02
  • Chainsaw 01
  • Earthmoving 01
  • Dangerous Goods 01
  • Forklift 01
  • EWP 03
  • EWP 01
  • WSAGF 02
  • First Aid 01
  • Trucks 01
  • Earthmoving 02
  • Forklift 02
  • White Card 01
  • WSAF 01

Confined Spaces

RIIWHS202E Enter and Work in Confined Spaces
MSMWHS217 Gas Test Atmosphere
MSMPER200 - Work in accordance with an issued permit

According to the WHS Regulation 2011, a confined space means an enclosed or partially enclosed space that:

  • is not designed or intended primarily to be occupied by a person; and
  • is, or is designed or intended to be, at normal atmospheric pressure while any person is in the space; and
  • is or is likely to be a risk to health and safety from: an atmosphere that does not have a safe oxygen level, or
  • contaminants, including airborne gases, vapours and dusts, that may cause injury from fire or explosion, or
  • harmful concentrations of any airborne contaminants, or
  • engulfment

Examples of confined spaces are as follows:

  • storage tanks, tank cars, process vessels, boilers, pressure vessels, silos and other tank-like compartments,
  • open-topped spaces such as pits or degreasers,
  • pipes, sewers, shafts, ducts and similar structures,
  • shipboard spaces entered through a small hatchway or access point, cargo tanks, cellular double bottom tanks, duct keels, ballast and oil tanks and void spaces (but not including dry cargo holds).

Safe oxygen level means a minimum oxygen content in air of 19.5% by volume under normal atmospheric pressure and a maximum oxygen content in air of 23.5% by volume under normal atmospheric pressure.


The course has been structured to provide:

  • Practical working skills for all persons who are required to enter and work in confined spaces. Learners will learn a comprehensive understanding of confined space permit systems, gas detection procedures, roles and responsibilities of standby personnel and the safe use of personal protective equipment
  • Knowledge of legislative requirements when working in confined spaces

After completing this training participants will be able to demonstrate:

  • recognition of a confined space
  • the ability to work within a confined space
  • compliance with the permit conditions
  • recognition and control of atmospheric hazards
  • use of confined space entry and exit equipment
  • selection, use and maintenance of appropriate PPE
  • use of communication equipment and processes applicable to confined space work
  • completion of documents and records relevant to confined space work
  • understanding of and the ability to initiate
  • incident/emergency response plan

Who Should Attend?

  • Project Managers
  • Site Managers
  • Foreman
  • Tradespersons
  • Maintenance and servicing personnel

Mick Humphries Training Group has developed a highly transportable training system that enables us to deliver training in almost any location. We have a fully fitted out 40’ maxicube trailer designed specifically for mobile confined spaces training.

Alternatively, we can customise a training course to suit your specific site requirements

Training and assessment delivered on behalf of RAISE Training RTO 91655

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