• WSAGF 02
  • White Card 01
  • Chainsaw 01
  • First Aid 01
  • Trucks 01
  • EWP 03
  • EWP 01
  • Dangerous Goods 01
  • WSAF 01
  • EWP 02
  • Earthmoving 01
  • Earthmoving 02
  • Forklift 02
  • Forklift 01

Scissor Lift & Boom-Type EWP (under 11m)

RIIHAN301E Operate elevating work platform

This unit describes a participant’s skills and knowledge required to operate an elevating work platform in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries.

You need a high risk work licence if you want to operate an Elevating Work Platform over 11m.

Why Do I Need Scissor Lift and Boom-Type EWP Training?

The Work Health & Safety Act was introduced by the Australian Government in 2011, superseding existing legislation, and marking it easier for workers to operate different kinds of plant equipment in a safe and responsible manner.

While a licence or certification is not required to operate a scissor lift or boom lift under 11m, this doesn't mean an operator can just hop on and start work. SafeWork Australia has set out guidelines for the operation of plant equipment, with a focus on 'Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU)s (that's the employer) providing the required instruction, training and supervision to perform their work safely.

Completion of these units of competency ensures that an operator can demonstrate competency, currency and safe operation for the PCBU

Who has health and safety duties in relation to plant at the workplace?

A person conducting a business or undertaking has the primary duty under the WHS Act to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that workers and other persons are not exposed to health and safety risks arising from the business or undertaking. This duty includes ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable:

  • the provision and maintenance of safe plant, and
  • the safe use, handling, storage and transport of plant

Responsibilities of the PCBU

The PCBU must ensure that:

  • Operators receive adequate information, training, instruction and supervision.
  • Operators are competent.
  • Equipment is used appropriately to minimise risks to health and safety.

And that operators are aware:

  • How to operate the equipment, including the correct use of control measures.
  • Who else is authorised to use the equipment.
  • Maintenance requirements including safe shutdown, inspection, clean and repair.

Ensuring Competency for Operators

The PCBU on your job site may look for the following when assessing your eligibility to operate plant:

  • Logbooks for work-based training conducted by an operator skilled and experienced in the operation of the same type of equipment.
  • A previously issued certificate under the Workplace Health & Safety Regulation 2008.
  • A statement of attainment for a National Unit of Competency

If you lack the appropriate training or work history you can not operate plant.

Helpful Links

Full Course Description

RIIHAN301E - Operate elevating work platform

This unit describes a participant’s skills and knowledge required to operate an elevating work platform in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries.

This unit is appropriate for those working in operational roles.

Licensing, legislative, regulatory and certification requirements that apply to this unit can vary between states, territories and Industry sectors. Relevant information must be sourced prior to application of the unit.

Elements and Performance Criteria

RIIHAN301E - Operate elevating work platform

1. Plan and prepare for operating an elevating work platform
  • 1.1 Access, interpret and apply elevating work platforms documentation and ensure the work activity is compliant
  • 1.2 Obtain, read, interpret, clarify and confirm work requirements
  • 1.3 Select and wear personal protective equipment appropriate for work activities
  • 1.4 Identify and select any required tools and equipment, check for serviceability and rectify or report, verbally or in writing, any faults prior to commencement
  • 1.5 Perform pre-start and post-start inspections/checks
  • 1.6 Coordinate activities with others prior to commencement of, and during, the work activity
  • 1.7 Identify and address potential risks, hazards and environmental issues, and implement control measures
  • 1.8 Obtain and interpret emergency procedures, and be prepared for fire/accident/emergency
2. Conduct work activities from elevating work platform
  • 2.1 Stabilise elevating work platform
  • 2.2 Place tools and equipment into bucket/platform
  • 2.3 Use approved safety devices, ensure safety of personnel and surrounding site
  • 2.4 Act on or report, verbally or in writing, monitoring systems and alarms
  • 2.5 Recognise and respond to hazardous and emergency situations
  • 2.6 Complete work and shut-down in accordance with agreed work plan
3. Carry out operator maintenance
  • 3.1 Carry out work platform inspections and fault finding
  • 3.2 Carry out routine operational servicing, lubrication and housekeeping tasks in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and site authorised procedures and practices
  • 3.3 Carry out minor operator maintenance to manufacturer's instructions and site requirements
  • 3.4 Process written records
4. Clean up
  • 4.1 Clear work area and reuse, recycle or dispose of materials
  • 4.2 Check, clean, maintain and store plant, tools and equipment

Training and assessment delivered on behalf of RAISE Training RTO 91655

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